Monday, November 12, 2012

Summary Post C4T Teacher #3

Teacher #3, Comment #1

Mr. Arvind S. Grover, Dean of Faculty at Grace Church School in New York City, posted a photo collage in his post entitled, "A Photo Collage of My Learning."He said that last year he learned from many different sources and he created a visual out of all the different places he had gone to learn.

I commented and told him that I thought the collage he had made was a very creative way to display a visual of the different resources that assisted him in his learning. I told him that I liked to keep small things as well because they remind me of the journeys I've been through and the amount of progress I've made towards my goal. You did a great job on your representation.

Comment #2

In Mr. Grove's post, "Ellen Degeneras Takes BIC Pens For Women To Task," he posts a YouTube video of Ellen Degeneras. Ellen uses her sharp wit to critique BIC pen's new line for women. She was shocked that even though for years, women fought for equality and finally women became equal to men, a big company, such as BIC pens, would be so stereotypical of a man's place and a woman's place in society. When BIC asked her to do a commercial for them, she said that she would never do one for them due to view on gender roles. Then Ellen decided that she would create her own commercial for BIC and see what they said. Ellen Degeneras' commercial did a great job in critiquing BIC pen's new line of pens for her. Mr. Grover said that one of his favorite things was how Ellen uses video and social media for social critique and change. He then asked if our students were prepared to do the same things to combat stereotypes?

I commented and stated that I loved Ellen Degeneras's critique on BIC pen's new line for women. I think she did a great job of criticizing and calling BIC our for their sexist and undermining view of women in a very witty and comical way. In today's society, we still have issues to overcome because people still stereotype and label others based on their race, gender, and sexual orientation. It's our job as educators to give our students the knowledge they need and prepare them so that they know how to combat stereotype in a positive way. Using social media to promote social change is a great example of how to do this. It's good to see that media can be used in a positive way too. I think that if there was more positive media in the world, maybe some things could change for the better.


  1. Hi Ashley, I am Ardriana. I think your C4T post is excellent. There is only one error that I saw in your post. "I think she did a great job of criticizing and calling BIC our for their sexist and undermining view of women in a very witty and comical way." I think "our" should be "out". Other than that, I would have to totally agree with your opinions ans comments about Ellen. Keep up the great work!God bless!
